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Giant Panda - Study #1

Q1) The Giant Pasnda (bear) is native to central and western __?__.

Q2) The Giant panda has a diet which is __?__ percent bamboo.

Q3) Pandas also eat __?__.

Q4) It is estimated __?__ pandas live in the wild. (2005)

Q5) Pandas have been known to attack humans. True or False?

Q6) The average Giant Panda eats as much as 20 to __?__ pounds of bamboo shoots a day.

Q7) Females are generally smaller than males. Males can weigh up to __?__.

Q8) The Giant Panda has a paw, with a thumb and __?__ fingers.

Q9) Giant Pandas can usually live to be 20 to __?__ years old while living in captivity.

Q10) Like most bears, the giant panda hibernates. True or False?



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