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Bat-eared Fox - Study #1

Q1) The bat-eared fox has large, wide ears, a short, narrow mouth, and long, jackal-like legs. True or False?

Q2) On what continent is the bat-eared fox found?

Q3) The bat-eared fox habitant is __?__.

Q4) The bat-eared fox diet type is __?___.

Q5) The life expectancy of a bat-eared fox is __?__ years.

Q6) A female bat-eared fox can give birth of one to __?__ cubs.

Q7) Bat-eared foxes are nocturnal. Nocturnal means?

Q8) Bat-eared foxes can weigh as much as ___?__.

Q9) Bat-eared foxes stay close to herds of zebras or antelopes in order to feed on the insects landing on their excrements; particularly termites and grasshoppers. True or False?

Q10) During the daylight hours, he will use his huge ears to expel heat from his body. Bringing blood into the thin ears, circulating air can carry off much of the fox's unwanted body heat. True or False?



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