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Bush Dog - Study #1

Q1) The Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus) is a canid found in what continent __?__.

Q2) The Bush dog has soft long brownish-tan fur, with a lighter reddish tinge on the head, neck and back and a __?__ tail.

Q3) An adult Bush dog can weigh up to __?__.

Q4) The Bush dog is a carnivore and hunts during the night, preferably in wet savannahs and tropical and equatorial forests. Carnivore means?

Q5) The Bush dog is usually found in small packs of up to 10 to __?__ individuals, which can bring down much larger prey.

Q6) The Bush Dog is an excellent swimmer due to its webbed feet. True or False?

Q7) A female Bush dog can give birth to a litter of up to __?__ pups.

Q8) There are three subspecies of Bush Dog: Speothos venaticus panamensis (native to Panama), Speothos venaticus venaticus (native to Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, Brazil,Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina) and __?__.

Q9) Bush dogs are nocturnal, swim well, and rest in burrows. True or False?

Q10) When marking their scent, male bush dogs will cock their legs at 90 degrees, while females will reverse up to trees and urinate on the trunk from a handstand position. True or False?



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