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Roe Deer - Study #1

Q1) Roe deer can be found throughout Europe and as far east as __?__.

Q2) The Roe Deer are a relatively small deer, weighing up to __?__ pounds (kg).

Q3) Only the males have antlers, which are lost during winter. True or False?

Q4) Roebucks are the only type of deer that can regrow their antlers during winter. True or False?

Q5) The Roe Deer are primarily crepuscular. Crepuscular means?

Q6) Roe deer feeds mainly on grass, leaves, berries and young __?__.

Q7) The Roe Deer average lifespan is __?__ years.

Q8) When alarmed, a Roe deer will bark a sound much like a __?__ and flash out its white rump patch.

Q9) The Roe Deer spends most of its life alone, except when breeding. True or False?

Q10) Male Roe Deer are often called Bucks, while the females are called __?__.



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