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Red Deer - Study #1

Q1) Red Deer is one of the largest species of deer in the world. True or False?

Q2) Red deer range from Europe, Northern Africa, and __?__.

Q3) Red deer are herbivores eating __?__.

Q4) Sexes remain separate except during the rut. True or False?

Q5) Both males and females have antlers. True or False?

Q6) Red deer are ungulates. Ungulate means?

Q7) The average weight of an adult male Red Deer (Stag) is ___?___ pounds. (Kg)

Q8) Stags may have a harem of up to __?__ females (hinds).

Q9) A Red Deer's lifespan in the wild is __?__ years.

Q10) After the rut, females form large herds of up to __?__ individuals.



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