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Brown Brocket Deer - Study #1

Q1) Mazama deer are small forest dwelling deer. The Brown Brocket deer is one of seven Mazama species. True or False?

Q2) There are 7 known species of Mazama: Red, Grey, Brown, Dwarf, Little Red, Merioa, Pygmy, and __?__.

Q3) This small deer has a coat color varying from brown, gray brown to gray. Males bear a pair of single spiked antlers that are usually cast every year. True or False?

Q4) The Brown Brocket deer's diet type is __?__.

Q5) The Brown Brocket deer are nocturnal. Nocturnal means?

Q6) A female Mazama deer usually gives birth to __?__ fawns.

Q7) Brocket deer are native to: Southern Mexico through Central America and South America to northern Argentina. True or False?

Q8) Brown Brocket deer can weigh to __?__ pounds (kg ?).

Q9) Other than man, the two main predators of the Mazama deer are Cougar and the__?__.

Q10) When males compete for a mate, they fight by biting and stabbing with their short horns. True or False?



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