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Ring-tailed Coatimundi - Study #1

Q1) The Ring-tailed Coatimundi is member of the raccoon family native to Central and South __?__.

Q2) There are __?__ subspecies of Coatimundis.

Q3) In the wild, coatis live for about 7 to 8 years, while in captivity they can live for up to __?__ years.

Q4) The Coatimundi is an __?__; its diet consists of fruits, nuts, leaves, roots, insects, amphibians, fish, reptiles, eggs, small birds or mammals and even carrion, which it finds or catches on the ground or on trees.

Q5) The snout, with a formidable sense of smell, assists the skilled paws in a hog-like manner to unearth ___?__ and roots.

Q6) Coatimundis gather in loosely-organized bands made up of 4 to __?__ individuals.

Q7) When provoked, or for defense, coatimundis can be fierce fighters. True or False?

Q8) The coati communicates its intentions or moods with chirping, snorting or __?__ sounds.

Q9) Mother Coatimundis give birth to litters of 3 to __?__ young.

Q10) Natural enemies include jaguarundis, foxes, tayras, ocelots, jaguars, hawks, and __?__.



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