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Woodland Caribou - Study #1

Q1) The migratory Woodland caribou (in Latin, Rangifer tarandus caribou) of Northern Quebec and Labrador live in two wild herds. Northern Quebec and Labrador are two provinces located in __?__.

Q2) The two herds are: the Leaf herd with 628,000 individuals and the George River herd with __?__ individuals.

Q3) The caribou generally travel upwards of 1,243 miles/2,000 km annually and some individuals have been observed traveling __?__ miles in a single year.

Q4) Inuit, Cree and southern sport hunters kill about __?__ caribou for food each year in Northern Québec. Woodland caribou may be extinct before the year 2100 if the rate of range loss continues.

Q5) Other than man, the other main predator of the caribou is the __?__.

Q6) The primary food source for caribou are lichens. Lichens are? They also eat shrubs, grasses and willows.

Q7) The Woodland Caribou living in the western provinces and Ontario are different than the large Northern herds of Caribou found in Alaska and the Territories. True or False?

Q8) In some coastal areas, a Dama wallaby may drink only seawater for long periods of time when freshwater is scarce. True or False?

Q9) Non-migratory caribou forested habitats year-round. The mountain population of caribou migrates __?__ miles or more between their forested foothills winter range and alpine summer range.

Q10) A mother caribou (cow) usually have one calf per year. True or False?



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