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Bobcat - Study #1

Q1) The bobcat has a short tail, small ear tufts, and a barred and spotted coat with black or variable shades of __?__ fur.

Q2) The bobcat's undersides are white, and the tip of the tail is __?__.

Q3) The bobcat is an adaptable animal that inhabits wooded areas as well as semi-desert, urban, and __?__ environments.

Q4) The bobcat's diet type is __?__.

Q5) An adult bobcat can weigh up to _?_ pounds. The male is 30-40% larger than the female.

Q6) A female bobcat can give birth to a litter of one to __?__ young.

Q7) Bobcats use scent and visual signals such as urine, feces, anal gland secretions, and scratches (trees) in the ground to ward off intruders and mark their __?___.

Q8) The bobcat can be found in remote areas of Canada, United States, and northern __?__.

Q9) The bobcat likes water and is an excellent swimmer. True or False?

Q10) The bobcat is generally most active during the twilight hours and is therefore considered __?__.



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