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American Beaver - Study #1

Q1) Beavers have a dense, dark __?__ fur.

Q2) A mature American beaver can weigh as much as ___?__.

Q3) Beaver feet are webbed. True or False?

Q4) The American beaver diet type is herbivore: aquatic plants and cambium? Cambium means?

Q5) The newborn of American beaver are called __?__.

Q6) The lifespan of the American beaver is __?__ years.

Q7) Beavers live in small colonies which usually consist of an adult pair and offspring from one year or more. True or False?

Q8) Beavers are the smallest of all rodents found in North America. True or False?

Q9) The American beaver is preyed upon by foxes, coyotes, wolves, lynxes, otters, weasels, and __?__.

Q10) During most of the year, beavers are active at night, rising at sunset and sleeping at sunrise. True or False?



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