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Flying Fox Bat (Mariana Fruit Bat) - Study #1

Q1) The Flying fruit bat can be found only on the island of Guam and the other Mariana Islands. These islands are located in __?__.

Q2) On average a Flying Fox bat will weigh __?__ pounds (grams).

Q3) Marianas Flying Fox was a fruit eater: eating __?___.

Q4) The bat was a culinary delicacy by the Chamorros of Guam and was linked to neurological diseases such as __?__.

Q5) There are __?__ recognized species of the Flying fox bat.

Q6) Because they are considered a delicacy Flying fox bats are being hunted to near extinction and is considered to be an endangered species. True or False?

Q7) Even though hunting the bats is illegal, animals from the northern islands now sell for __?__ dollars each on Saipan.

Q8) Mangrove tree flowers are pollinated by flying foxes. mangroves provide spawning ground for numerous fish and crustaceans, which in turn are harvested by fishing industries. True or False?

Q9) It has been documented that over __?__ commercial products in the Old World tropics come from plants that are pollinated or seed-dispersed by flying foxes.

Q10) The Mariana flying fox is the only major seed disperser for cycad trees on Guam. True or False?



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