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Common Waterbuck (Defassa Antelope) - Study #1

Q1) The Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) is an antelope found in __?__.

Q2) Waterbuck weigh from 160 to __?__ kilograms. (pounds)

Q3) Only the males have large, ringed horns. True or False?

Q4) Despite their name it seems that Waterbuck do not like to enter the water. True or False?

Q5) Herds of up to __?__ animals may form.

Q6) The Defassa Waterbuck is a subspecies (Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa) in which the ring on the rump is solid white. True or False?

Q7) The Defassa Waterbuck are herbivores mostly feeding on __?__.

Q8) The most common predators of the defassa waterbuck are lions, leopards, and hunting __?__.

Q9) The defassa waterbuck are not hunted by humans because their skins and meat are very oily. Even lions do not care for their oily meat. True or False?

Q10) A female defassa waterbuck will give birth to a __?__ calf per season.



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