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Nilgai Antelope - Study #1

Q1) The Nilgai is an antelope which is one of the most commonly seen wild animals of northern __?__ and eastern Pakistan.

Q2) The Nilgai is also known as the __?__ .

Q3) Mature Nilgai typically can weigh up to __?__ pounds (kg).

Q4) Over _?_ percent of births result in twins, though births of 1 or 3 do occur.

Q5) The lifespan of a Nilgai is __?__ years.

Q6) Nilgai can be found in single sex or mixed sex herds of 4-20, although old bulls are sometimes __?__.

Q7) Nilgai are diurnal and live in grasslands and woodlands where they eat grasses, leaves, buds, and __?__.

Q8) Nilgai avoid dense forest and prefer the plains and low hills with shrubs. True or False?

Q9) The main predators of the Nilgai are tigers and __?__.

Q10) Leopards are not capable of killing a full grown Nilgai but can take calves. True or False?



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