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Australian Spiny Anteater - Study #1

Q1) The coat of the Australian spiny anteater is black to light. It has spines on its back and sides, and the snout is long, narrow, and naked. Australian spiny anteatersare also named __?__.

Q2) The Australian Spiny anteater can weigh as much as __?__.

Q3) The Australian Spiny anteater's habitat is... ?

Q4) The Australian Spiny anteater's diet type is... ?

Q5) Invertebrates are?

Q6) Female spiny anteaters feed their offspring milk (as do all mammals), they have no nipples. Rather, the baby echidnas suck the milk off their mother's skin. True or False?

Q7) Anteaters have no teeth, the food is then broken up along horny ridges in the mouth. True or False?

Q8) Short-beaked Echidna (anteater) lays eggs; the monotremes are the only group of mammals to do so. True or False?

Q9) Anteaters have a distinctive snout and a specialized 5 foot tongue (1.5 meter), which it uses to catch ants and termites at a great speed. True or False?

Q10) There are __?__ subspecies of the Short-beaked Echidna.



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