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Eastern Quoll - Study #1

Q1) The Eastern Quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus), also known as the Eastern Native Cat, is a medium-sized carnivorous dasyurid marsupial native to __?__.

Q2) Dasyurid means?

Q3) The Eastern Quoll are now considered extinct on the mainland, but remain widespread and even locally common in Tasmania. True or False?

Q4) The Eastern Quoll is generally about the size of a small domestic cat. True or False?

Q5) The Eastern Quoll thick coat is covered by __?__ spots, and ranges in colour from a light fawn to a near black, with an off-white belly.

Q6) The Eastern Quoll is a __?__ predator (carnivore), hunting at night for its prey of insects and small mammals.

Q7) A female quoll gives birth to up to __?__ young. Those who attach themselves to the six teats will survive.

Q8) When quoll young are 18 to 20 weeks old, they are weaned and gradually become independent of the mother. Weaned means?

Q9) The main threats to the Eastern Quoll are competition and predation from feral cats and illegal poisoning and __?___.

Q10) There are __?__ species of quolls.



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