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African Clawless Otter - Study #1

Q1) The African Clawless Otter, like all otters, is related to the mink, weasel, skunk and badger. True or False?

Q2) The color of its fur is __?__, there are white markings on the cheeks, throat, and chest.

Q3) Males weigh about __?__ pounds, females about 30 pounds.

Q4) Body and tail together the African Clawless Otter may be as long as __?__ feet.

Q5) African Clawless Otter have 5 fingers and no thumb. True or False?

Q6) African Clawless Otter diet type is carnivore and eats ____?___.

Q7) African Clawless Otter give birth to ___?___ young, usually in the spring.

Q8) The African Clawless Otter is endangered. The threats are increasing human population, farming and ____?_____ .

Q9) The otter is found in the __?___ portion of Africa.

Q10) The African Clawless Otter is the second largest freshwater species of otter. True or False?



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