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Rhuesus Macaque - Study #1

Q1) The Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta), often called the Rhesus __?__.

Q2) The Rhesus Macaque is common throughout Afghanistan to northern India and southern __?__ .

Q3) The average weight of a male is __?__ pounds (kg). Females are smaller.

Q4) The Rhesus Macaque lifespan in the wild is about __?__ years.

Q5) The Rhesus Macaque is a good swimmer and is said to enjoy the activity. True or False?

Q6) The Rhesus Macaque is mostly herbivorous and feeds on leaves and pine needles, roots, and the occasional insect or small __?__.

Q7) A Rhesus troop comprises of a mixture of males and females. The troop may contain up to 180 individuals, but __?__ is the average.

Q8) There are __?__ subspecies of Rhesus Macaques.

Q9) The Rhesus Macaque's face and rump are __?__ and naked.

Q10) The Rhesus Macaque's are diurnal and spend time on both the ground and in the __?__.



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