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Ape(s) - Study #1

Q1) Apes are the members of the Hominoidea superfamily of primates, which includes __?__.

Q2) Under current classification, there are two families of hominoids: the family Hylobatidae and the family __?__.

Q3) The family Hominate consists of orangutans, __?__, chimpanzees, and humans.

Q4) Except for gorillas and humans, all true apes are agile climbers of trees. True or False?

Q5) Apes are best described as omnivorous, their diet consisting of __?__.

Q6) A group of apes may be referred to as a troop or a __?__.

Q7) The gibbon family, Hylobatidae, is composed of __?__ medium-sized species of apes.

Q8) Current evidence implies that humans share a common, extinct, ancestor with the chimpanzee. True or False?

Q9) The gorrila is the largest ape and a male can weigh up to __?__ pounds. (kg) Females half.

Q10) Chimpanzees are very intelligent and can learn extremely complex tasks. True or False?



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