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Bontebok Antelope - Study #1

Q1) The Bontebok is an antelope found in South Africa and __?__.

Q2) Bontebok has two subspecies; the bontebok and the __?__ antelope.

Q3) The bontebok can weigh up to __?__ pounds(kg).

Q4) The Bontebok is a __?__ colour, with a white underside and a white stripe from the forehead to the tip of the nose.

Q5) Bontebok also has a distinctive white patch around its tail; while this patch is light brown/tan in Blesbok. True or False?

Q6) The horns of Bontebok are lyre-shaped and clearly ringed they are found in __?__ sex and can reach a length of half a metre.

Q7) Bontebok are __?__, though they rest during the heat of the day.

Q8) Bontebok were killed as pests and were reduced to seventeen animals in the wild but have recovered and is now at __?__ individuals.

Q9) The van der Byls family took steps in 1837 to set aside a portion of their farm "Nacht Wacht" near Bredasdorp as a reserve for a nucleus of some 27 individuals. Oterwise bontebok would be extinct today. True or False?

Q10) Bontebok remain the __?__ common antelope in the Southern African.



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